This page will have custom hand made beadwork. Brick-stitch patches, rosettes, Loomed strips, Lazy stitched pieces (e.g. Lazy stitched hair pin - which would also appear in Hair pieces), beaded bags, peyote stitched bottles and more!
Example of a custom order. The person wanted a turtle done in sz. #6 glass beads. Which created a 2" Wide by 4" Tall turtle. Please note: Custom orders will have a different price than the item you are looking at if significant changes are requested (e.g. size, shapes) Price will not change if all you need is a different color combination on an item, size, shape already available. Please contact us if you have a special request, we will happily provide a quote if needed.
Here is another example of a custom made piece. This is a Bookmark that is made entirely of size 13 glass charlotte beads. I took pictures during several stages of completion as you can see. The Finished piece shows the Sun, Moon, Libra Star sign and a Mesa style mountain.
Beaded Patches
were pictured next to a 50 cent piece.
Beaded Bottles
- pictures are links to
larger images
Beaded Rosettes - pictures
are links to larger images
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This Page last updated: Jan 28th, 2009