Youth Archery Equipment will be found here. We are currently building the site and having a little trouble with our shopping cart feature. Please e-mail us if the shopping cart is not working. We will gladly provide a # so you can call to purchase/ask questions.
Youth Bows - weights will vary from 15 to 30 # (60" to 66" tall with a max. draw length of 24" to 26")
This picture is an example of a set we had, it show some
close ups of what the bows will/ would look like. Including the tips, string
nocks, and handle / grip area.
Oak: $35.00 + S/H
Hickory $49.95 + S/H
Kids Bows - Weights will vary form 5 to 15# (lbs), Length
will be from 48" to 50" tall with a
max. draw length of 18". You will get the bow, a string,
written care instructions, 2 arrows (in our choice of color) and a
30 day limited warranty.
Shown with optional leather wrapped handle and 3
kiddies arrows (which are NOT included) see above for what this
comes with.
Oak $16.25 + S/H
Hickory $19.95 + S/H
Laminated Kids Bows - Weights will vary form 5 to 25# (lbs), Length
will be from 48" to 52" tall with a
max. draw length of 18" to 22" depending on bow. You will get the bow, a string,
written care instructions, 2 arrows (in our choice of color) and a
30 day limited replacement warranty.
{Picture coming soon!}
Each bow will have a Backing Strip a Belly (main wood) and a riser (some risers
may be an additional piece of wood attached and will be random based on
Hickory/Hickory $39.95 + S/H
Hickory/Oak $29.95 + S/H Hickory/Maple $35.00 + S/H
Hickory/Osage $39.95 + S/H Hickory/Walnut $39.95 + S/H Hickory/Cherry $39.95 + S/H
Hickory/Random (Meaning instock) $35.00 + S/H
Delivery time is 10 to 14 days on instock items, If we have to build delivery time is normally 2-3 weeks. If there are any delays, you will be contacted and notified of the delay and the cause of the delay.
All items subject to availability of the woods in question. Some woods are only cut in the fall and available starting in the spring till we run out. i.e. osage orange and sometimes the cherry too. We make every effort to keep all woods instock, but can not guarantee that all wood types will be available.
Youth - Self nocked arrows with sinew wrapped nocks/feathers, field
points and
real goose feather fletchings in natural colors. (25" long) -
Currently Sold Out
1/2 doz. $33.00 + S/H 1 doz. $65.00 + S/H
Kids leather quivers, for 18" arrows - All Colors will vary and are subject to availability. If you have a color preference please specify what colors and we will make every effort to accommodate you if possible.
Leather/Stitched. $10.00 + S/H Leather/Fur $12.00 +S/H Leather/Riveted $15.00 + S/H
Kids arrows WITHOUT field points or sinew wrapping, with real feathers in natural colors (18" Long)
{Picture coming soon!}
2 for $5 + S/H 1/2 doz. $15 + S/H 1 doz. $30 + S/H
Youth/Childs arm guards - can be purchased on the Arm Guards page. They are listed as Extra Smalls and Extra Extra Smalls, please double check measurements before you buy.
Please see our Quivers page
$5.00 ea. + S/H | -|- Small toy bow - PIXY BOW - Out of Stock |
Bow is made from Bamboo and is permanently strung with an artificial sinew string. Range: 10ft to 30ft (depending on ammo & conditions i.e.. if the wind catches it) Ammo: Comes with 5 Bamboo "arrows" with have wood beads on the ends. Will also shoot flower stems, flowers and drinking straws. |
$6.00 ea. + S/H | -|- Small toy bow - PIXY BOW with Quiver - Out of stock |
Bow is made from Bamboo and is permanently strung with an artificial sinew string. Range: 10ft to 30ft (depending on ammo & conditions i.e.. if the wind catches it) Ammo: Comes with 5 Bamboo "arrows" with have wood beads on the ends. Will also shoot flower stems, flowers and drinking straws. Quiver: Holds the pixy bow and its arrows. Made from fleece. Colors vary. Have a string to attach to your belt or where ever you like |
$15.00 ea. + S/H | -|- Toy Crossbows - Out of stock |
- Full Descriptions coming soon - Stocks will vary in color as they are in different woods. You could possible receive one in any of the following: Walnut -
Creamy Chocolate to Dark Brown Range: 5ft to 18ft (depending on ammo & conditions i.e.. if the wind catches it) Note that the range is shorter than the above pixy bow. Ammo: Comes with 6 brightly colored straws (so that they are easy to find) Will also shoot Daisy stems and tiny marshmallows. Will not shot the bamboo arrows that the pixy bows come with. |
$27.50 ea. + S/H | -|- Toy Mongolian Bow - in stock as of 04/20/09 |
This Bow is made from Bamboo and grapevine, It is permanently strung with a plastic line. This bow is designed for a small child to start learning on. As it light weight and doesn't require any care. Range: 10 to 15 yards Max Draw length: 18" (drawing further could cause it to break) Ammo: Comes with 2 rubber tipped bamboo arrows. The rubber tips look like broad heads but are soft and safe. Quiver: Comes with a grapevine wrapped side quiver, which has a loop on one side so that you can run a cord thru and attach it to belt. Would also make a great costume piece or wall hanger. |
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This Page last updated: April 26th, 2009